Vicci Blog

5 Main Reasons Why Virtual Try-On is Becoming More Popular

Vicci Eyewear

Nov 14, 2022

5 Main Reasons Why Virtual Try-On is Becoming More Popular
If you have ever looked for eyeglasses online, you have probably come across the option to "try on" the glasses virtually. This technology is known as virtual try-on (VTO), and it is becoming increasingly popular among both online and brick-and-mortar retailers. Here are the top five reasons why VTO is becoming more popular in the eyewear industry.

1) It is more convenient than shopping in-store

With VTO, you can try on glasses without leaving your house! No more scouring the town for a store that carries what you require. Get your try-on from the comfort of your living room with just a computer or smartphone and webcam - no long walks to malls, either, because their online eyewear boutique has everything!" VTO is the shopping of the future. You can order custom-made glasses online with one click and have them delivered right to your door in a matter of days!

2) You can try on multiple pairs of glasses at the same time

In a brick-and-mortar store, you can only physically try on one pair of glasses at a time. With VTO, you can easily switch between different pairs of glasses to compare them side-by-side. This makes it easier to find the perfect pair of glasses for your face shape and style preferences.

3) You can share your "try-on" experience with friends and family

Another advantage of VTO is that you can share your "try-on" experience with friends and family members who may be able to assist you in deciding. When it comes to in-store shopping, you are usually on your own when it comes to deciding. However, with VTO, you can easily send a photo or video of yourself trying on various pairs of glasses to anyone who may be able to assist you.

4) You can see how the glasses look in different lighting conditions

Have you ever tried on a pair of glasses in the store only to find out later that they do not look quite as good in natural light? With VTO, you can easily test how the glasses look in different lighting conditions simply by moving around your room or stepping outside. This helps ensure that you will be happy with your purchase no matter what time of day or night it is.

5) You do not need to be concerned about losing or breaking the glasses

When trying on glasses in a store, there is always the risk of losing or breaking them while they are not on your face. But there is no such risk with VTO! There is nothing to break or lose because the virtual "glasses" are just an image on your computer screen or phone.
Furthermore, if you are unsure about a specific pair of glasses, you can always try them on again later without having to return them to the store.


As you can see, there are numerous reasons why virtual try-on is gaining popularity among eyeglass buyers. It is more convenient than shopping in-store, allows you to try on multiple pairs of glasses at the same time, and eliminates all the risks associated with physical try-on (e.g., losing or breaking the glasses).
So, if you are thinking about buying new glasses, be sure to check out the virtual try-on feature from your favorite retailer or online!
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Is there a woman who doesn’t like to look good at all times?

Is there a woman who doesn’t like to look good at all times?

Age can’t and shouldn’t stop you from feeling confident every day.

The whole idea behind Vicci™ Eyewear is providing you with beautiful and quality eyewear that you’d be proud to wear at all times.

Vicci™ Eyewear offers a wide selection of eyewear so you can easily choose the perfect pair of glasses that complements your features and easily matches your makeup to complete your look.

A Mama's Boy's Love for His Mother

Vicci™ Eyewear was inspired by a son’s love for his mother and his passion for fashion.

David Abramovici, the Founder of Vicci™ Eyewear, came from a family of artisans dedicated to craftsmanship since the 1920s.

David recalls that when his mother was around 65 years old, she would always ask him to stop by the local pharmacy to pick up some generic readers.

He would spend at least 20 minutes every time he went there, just standing in front of a rack full of tacky, ugly readers. It was difficult for him to choose a "nice" design that he thought would look good on his mother.

His mother enjoyed attending events and spending money on her dresses and accessories. Unfortunately, the readers are often underwhelming, and she was embarrassed to ever be seen wearing them. Like most women, she'd usually hide it in her lovely purse and would always look around before using them to read the menu or bill.

David wondered why there weren’t more choices for high-quality and fashionable custom readers for older women like his mother. Something she’d actually love to wear and be proud to be seen wearing.

And that’s when it hit him!



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What women are saying about us…
<p>- Gabby S.</p>

"These glasses are lightweight and stylish. Love how weightless they feel resting on my ears and nose. Vicci is stepping up the style game for blue light glasses!"

- Gabby S.

<p>- Ava A.</p>

"I LOVE the shape of the frames, not a style you see everywhere. very unique but i feel like it'll be a timeless style. they're such a great quality. "

- Ava A.

<p>- Patricia M.</p>

"My new glasses are blue light treated with a progressive premium lens. My glasses have been a definite fashion statement and I will suggest Vicci Eyewear to everyone. Thank you Vicci !"

- Patricia M.

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