Vicci Blog

5 Benefits of Wearing Anti-Reflective Glasses

Vicci Eyewear

Jun 18, 2022

5 Benefits of Wearing Anti-Reflective Glasses

Anti-reflective glasses are a must-have accessory nowadays due to the presence of blue light in our environment that could damage our eyesight and cause headaches and eye strain, however, if you’re considering buying a pair, it’s highly important that you find the best AR-coated lenses that work for your eyes and match your style.

Blue light is harmful to our eyes and can cause eye strain, headaches, eye damage, macular degeneration, and cataracts. In fact, blue light has been linked to age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

That’s why it’s so important that you wear anti-reflective glasses if you want to protect your eyes from the damage caused by blue light and other harmful rays.

If you’re wondering why you should get anti-reflective glasses or what they are exactly, we have answers for all of those questions!

1. Reduce Glare

Blue light is a major source of glare, which can cause headaches, eye strain, and fatigue. Blue light also has been shown to damage the retina and macula. The anti-reflective coating on these glasses helps reduce glare by redirecting any unwanted light from entering your eyes. Reducing the amount of blue light that enters your eyes will help protect them from many harmful effects caused by too much exposure to this type of bright light.

2. Keep Your Eyes Safe

Wearing anti-reflective glasses is an easy way to keep your eyes safe from blue light. Blue light can damage the retina and macula, which are very important for good vision. It can also cause cataracts, macular degeneration, photophobia (sensitivity to light), headaches, eye strain, and more. If you spend a lot of time outdoors or near bright electronics like computer screens or TVs then wearing anti-reflective glasses will help protect your eyes from this damaging blue light by filtering it out of the visible spectrum so you don't have to worry about losing your sight as quickly as you might otherwise.

3. Prevent Eye Strain

Another benefit of wearing anti-reflective glasses is that they reduce eye strain. The blue light from computer screens and other digital devices can cause headaches and even eyestrain, which in turn leads to reduced sleep quality. Blue light also causes macular degeneration, cataracts, and cancer.

In addition to reducing the effects of blue light on your eyes, anti-reflective glasses can help protect against dry eyes when you wear them for long periods of time during the day or at night while you're sleeping. This is because they are specially designed to prevent UV rays from entering the lens while still allowing enough oxygen into your eyes so that they don't feel particularly irritated by these harmful rays themselves. It's important not only to protect yourself against UV radiation but also to make sure that there's enough oxygen getting through into each individual cell so as not to suffer any damage from the lack thereof later down the line!

4. Improve Visual Appearance

Wearing anti-reflective glasses can help improve visual appearance in a number of ways. First, they provide improved contrast, color perception, and depth perception. They also aid in night vision, day vision, and dim light vision. Finally, they enhance your ability to see in low light conditions as well as bright light conditions – both of which are important for everyday life!

5. Enhance Sleep Quality

Blue light is a wavelength that can disrupt your sleep patterns. Blue light suppresses melatonin production, which makes it harder for you to fall asleep when exposed to it after dark. It also leads to poor quality sleep and can lead to headaches in the morning.

Blue light has been shown to cause eye strain, dry eyes, headaches, and fatigue if you're looking at screens like a computer or smartphone screen for extended periods of time. This blue light exposure causes damage like cataracts over time as well!


Anti-reflective glasses are a must-have accessory nowadays due to the presence of blue light in our environment that could damage our eyesight and cause headaches and eye strain, however, if you’re considering buying a pair, it’s highly important that you find the best AR-coated lenses that work for your eyes and match your style.

Is there a woman who doesn’t like to look good at all times?

Is there a woman who doesn’t like to look good at all times?

Age can’t and shouldn’t stop you from feeling confident every day.

The whole idea behind Vicci™ Eyewear is providing you with beautiful and quality eyewear that you’d be proud to wear at all times.

Vicci™ Eyewear offers a wide selection of eyewear so you can easily choose the perfect pair of glasses that complements your features and easily matches your makeup to complete your look.

A Mama's Boy's Love for His Mother

Vicci™ Eyewear was inspired by a son’s love for his mother and his passion for fashion.

David Abramovici, the Founder of Vicci™ Eyewear, came from a family of artisans dedicated to craftsmanship since the 1920s.

David recalls that when his mother was around 65 years old, she would always ask him to stop by the local pharmacy to pick up some generic readers.

He would spend at least 20 minutes every time he went there, just standing in front of a rack full of tacky, ugly readers. It was difficult for him to choose a "nice" design that he thought would look good on his mother.

His mother enjoyed attending events and spending money on her dresses and accessories. Unfortunately, the readers are often underwhelming, and she was embarrassed to ever be seen wearing them. Like most women, she'd usually hide it in her lovely purse and would always look around before using them to read the menu or bill.

David wondered why there weren’t more choices for high-quality and fashionable custom readers for older women like his mother. Something she’d actually love to wear and be proud to be seen wearing.

And that’s when it hit him!



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What women are saying about us…
<p>- Gabby S.</p>

"These glasses are lightweight and stylish. Love how weightless they feel resting on my ears and nose. Vicci is stepping up the style game for blue light glasses!"

- Gabby S.

<p>- Ava A.</p>

"I LOVE the shape of the frames, not a style you see everywhere. very unique but i feel like it'll be a timeless style. they're such a great quality. "

- Ava A.

<p>- Patricia M.</p>

"My new glasses are blue light treated with a progressive premium lens. My glasses have been a definite fashion statement and I will suggest Vicci Eyewear to everyone. Thank you Vicci !"

- Patricia M.

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Unsure or Nervous About Buying Prescription Glasses Online?

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  • 1
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  • 2
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  • 3
    Guide you in choosing the right lenses

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