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3 Tips for Adjusting to Bifocal Eyeglasses

Vicci Eyewear

Sep 02, 2022

3 Tips for Adjusting to Bifocal Eyeglasses

If you're over 40, your eyes are likely to get worse. Those who are already wearing reading glasses may be wondering what the best way is to adjust to bifocal eyeglasses. Here's some advice from an eye doctor:

Make sure you can see a clock.

The first and most important thing you should do is make sure you can see a clock. If this sounds like a simple enough task, it's not. You need to be able to see the clock from different angles and with different parts of your vision (like the center or corner).

Checking for this is easy: Simply hold up your hand, palm facing forward, and look at it from where you normally would look at a clock. This way, all lines of sight will be equal and there will be no distortion or bending for them all to coincide properly with one another when looking at an object—in this case, our hand!

Use your new eyeglasses for reading.

It's important to use your new eyeglasses for reading. If you don't, it will be difficult to adjust to the bifocal lenses.

The best way to get used to using bifocals is by practicing with them in a controlled environment. For example, take some time off from work and stay home so that you can read using only your glasses without any interruptions from coworkers or other responsibilities. You might also try going back in time by finding a book that was popular when you were younger but hasn't been published recently. To further this approach, you could even try reading books aloud as an additional way of learning how best to utilize bifocals while reading unaided text materials such as novels or textbooks (and remember: if at first glance the text looks blurry or unclear through these new lenses, focus only on one word at a time!).

Have all your appliances checked by your eye doctor?

  • This includes computers, tablets, and phones; televisions, video games and movies; clocks, watches, and other timepieces. No matter what you use these devices for (work or play), they should be checked to make sure that they are not magnifying the vision problems caused by bifocal eyeglasses.
  • If you wear contact lenses when driving at night to help you see better while driving in low light conditions or peering into the distance ahead of yourself on the road when making a turn signal lane change or maneuvering with other vehicles around you at night – then opt for wearing glasses instead of contacts until later in the day when it is brighter outside with more sunlight available before going back out onto any roads again after getting home from work to prevent too much glare causing harmful rays coming off these lights into our eyesight which could cause damage if exposed too long without protection (even with sunglasses).

Get an eye exam before buying bifocals online, find glasses that fit your face, and get used to using them.

Now that your new bifocal glasses have arrived, here are some tips to help you get used to using them.

  • Get an eye exam before buying bifocals online. Before purchasing any new prescription eyeglasses, it's important to make sure that your eyesight is correct. If you don't have recent proof of an eye exam or can't see well enough to pass an eye test, then schedule one with an optometrist or ophthalmologist before ordering online.
  • Find glasses that fit your face and style preferences. When shopping for a pair of bifocal lenses, it's important not only that they provide good vision but also look good on you! This means. finding frames with the right shape and size for your face as well as colors and materials (for example metal vs plastic) that match what works best with your skin tone/hair color/style choices etcetera...then try them on in person at an optometrist office near where you live so they can help guide through this process too if needed!
  • Get used to using them! Once ordered online or picked out from around town, follow the tips about how best to use these specific types of eyewear when first starting out wearing them around town. To start take note whether there are any small print details like phone numbers written down somewhere nearby which might otherwise escape notice because everything looks blurry when looking straight ahead - now try reading something further away than usual like perhaps from across the room where the next-door neighbor has left newspaper open bedside table."


Bifocals are a great way to get older adults as you read, watch TV, and use computers without headaches. But it can be hard to adjust to something new, especially if you haven't had eye exams in years or ever. If you're having trouble adjusting your bifocals, try these tips: make sure they fit on your face well, use your new glasses for reading too much at first so they feel comfortable while you learn how not "see" with the top of your glasses instead of the bottom part (this will take time), and have all appliances checked by an eye doctor before buying online so there aren't any problems with them later down the road!

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  • 1
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  • 2
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  • 3
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